Artificial Intelligence Training Course Curriculum


•        Python Basics Programming

•        Python Higher Level Programming

•        Introduction to NumPy, SciPy & Pandas

•        Data Visualization

•        Data Preprocessing & Manipulation

•        Project work

Image Processing/Computer Vision

•        Introduction

•        Features in images and extraction

•        Pattern recognition

•        Image filtering

•        Image Transformation 2D/3D

•        Project work

Predictive Analytics

•        Statistical Foundations

  • Descriptive & Inferential Statistics

•        Probability

•        Regression

•        Project work

Machine Learning

•        Introduction to Machine Learning

•        Supervised Learning – Prediction & Classification

•        Unsupervised Learning – Segmentation & Clustering

•        E-Commerce & Recommendation System

•        Project work

Deep Learning

•        Introduction to Deep Learning

•        Tensor Board

•        Image Classification using different CNN models

•        TensorFlow for Object Detection using SSD- inception, Faster-RCNN

•        Deployment

•        Image Segmentation

•        Project work

Natural Language Processing

•        Introduction to NLP with NLTK, Spacy

•        Analyzing Parts of Speech

•        Design Classifier

•        Building Chatbot

•        NLP in Different Industries    

  • Speech processing
  • Speech to text and text to speech processing
  • Project Work

Sequence Learning

•        Introduction to Sequence Learning

•        RNN vs LSTM

•        Sentiment Analysis

•        Introduction to Transformer model

•        Machine Translation

•        Building a QA prediction model using BERT

•        Project work